We connect employers with independent recruiters which results in perfect hires

For employers

Don’t search—find

It’s simple

Just sign up, publish your job openings, set a recruiter reward, meet the strongest candidates.

It’s simple

Strong candidates

It’s possible, our candidates can’t make a tram rolling, but you don’t need this anyway. Recruiters are personally interested in providing you only the best and motivated people—we have a whole chain of incentives in place. For instance, a recruiter star rating system and candidate submission limit per recruiter.

Strong candidates

Pay less

No more HR agencies needed. Independent recruiters and Strong Yes service will cost you about three times less than hiring an agency.

Pay less

Perfect selection

We work with thousands of recruiters, so if each brings you only one candidate you’ll have thousands to choose from—imagine the scale.

Perfect selection

Just what you need

Properly skilled candidates

Properly skilled candidates

Mark the criteria for recruiters to run the preselection process for you.

Ratings, ratings, ratings!

Ratings, ratings, ratings!

You will get the best candidates—the best recruiters will take care of that. Check the recruiter star rating earned for professional and communication skills.

Company account

Company account

Some call it consolidated dashboard for your HR department. In other words, search the candidates together with your colleagues.

Easy payment

Easy payment

Paying recruiters is super easy through PayPal or any payment card.

Pay just enough

You only pay for the candidates who have successfully completed the probation period and are accepted for the job. Everything else is completely free. 0 dollars. Zero!

You set what you pay the recruiter. Our commission is 20% of recruiter’s reward.

You pay

the recruiter’s reward
if the candidate
is hired (and is a keeper)
Strong Yes %

For recruiters


It’s not an office or something. You can work any hours, even your free time.


You are making money together with us—how awesome.


Find candidates for companies, corporations and startups from all over the world.

Happy working!


You’ll be receiving status updates on your candidates from the employers.



Save job openings to work on later to Favorites.



You can contact any employer to clarify the requirements and other details.


Earn, don’t burn

You have it all for free—signing up and accessing all the job openings. Earn the rewards set up by the employers as your candidates successfully complete the probation period.

You receive your reward through our service without paying us any commission, we only charge the employers.